Vienna Photo Book Festival 2014
Some impressions, snap-shots...
Exhaustive 72 hours, reviewing, talking, endlessly looking at books, shopping, drinking, little sleep - happy - over and out...
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ViennaPhotoBookReview, Chladek, Gerry Badger, Andreas Bitesnich, Manfred Heiting (1/47)
Sebastian Toth, Andreas Bitesnich, Monika Keiler, Manfred Heiting (2/47)
Irène Attinger (Maison Européenne de la photographie), Meinrad Hofer, Gerry Badger, Dagmar Kolatschny (3/47)
Josef Koudelka, Gerry Badger, Manfred Heiting (4/47)
Verena Kaspar-Eisert (OstLicht), Andreas Bitesnich, Peter Coeln (WestLicht) (5/47)
Josef Koudelka (6/47)
Anzenberger Gallery (7/47)
Jeppe Bøje Nielsen, Klaus Pichler (8/47)
Regina Anzenberger (festival director) (9/47)
Walter Zöller, White Press (10/47)
Dominique X. Kempers, Buchandlung Walter König (11/47)
Clement Kauter (Le plac’art photo) (12/47)
Christoph Bangert, "War Porn" (1) (13/47)
Christoph Bangert, "War Porn" (2, signing) (14/47)
Josef Koudelka (thinking) (15/47)
Renato D'Agostin, Regina Anzenberger (16/47)
Christian Kosfeld, Rob Hornstra (17/47)
Calin Kruse (dienacht – Magazine for Photography, Design and Subculture) (18/47)
Vadym Trykoz (Shilo Group), Riot books (19/47)
Matej Sitar (the angry bat) (20/47)
Maria L. Felixmüller (21/47)
Roger Eberhard (b.frank books) (22/47)
Klaus Pichler, Ekaterina Anokhina (23/47)
Man Ray, Abeceda Antiquariat (24/47)
ViennaPhotoBookFestival 2014 (25/47)
Hidden Nicolò Degiorgis Islam (26/47)
Dirk K. Bakker, Michael Kollmann (Ostlicht, festival director) (27/47)
Clement Kauter, Andreas Bitesnich (28/47)
Dirk K. Bakker, Le plac’art photo books (29/47)
Thomas Bonfert, Hermann Lohss (30/47)
Richard Sporleder (Café Lehmitz Photobooks) (31/47)
ViennaPhotoBookFestival 2014 Brotfabrik (32/47)
Hannes Wanderer (Peperoni Books) (33/47)
Roland Angst (only photography) (34/47)
only photography books (35/47)
André Frère Editions books (36/47)
Archive of modern conflict (amc) books (37/47)
Erik Kessels showing "My Feet: a mass selfie" (38/47)
Erik Kessels showing "Tables to Meet" (39/47)
Gerry Badger's birthday (40/47)
Erik Kessels, Helfried Valenta, Josef Chladek (and some crap iphone filter accidentally applied) (41/47)
Erik Kessels, Helfried Valenta, Josef Chladek (no crap iphone filter applied) (42/47)
Klaus Kehrer (Kehrer Verlag), Josef Chladek (43/47)
Erik Kessels signing "Tables to Meet" with "For Erik" (1) (44/47)
Erik Kessels signing "Tables to Meet" with "For Erik" (2) (45/47)
Erik Kessels signing "Tables to Meet" with "For Erik" (3) (46/47)
Erik Kessels signing "Tables to Meet" with "For Erik" (4) (47/47)