Paul Graham - New Europe, Fotomuseum Winterthur / Cornerhouse Publications, 1993, Winterthur / Manchester
Softcover, German and English text by Urs Stahel, design by Trix Wetter (Zürich), edition of 3000 copies.
„Published on the occasion of the opening exhibition of the Fotomoseum Winterthur, 30th January-21st March 1993“.
„New Europe is a fascinating example of how far the ‘new document’ has progressed to the beginning of the 1990s. For this kind of work – analytical, metaphorical, personal – the term ‘documentary’ itself would seem redundant, although that is not to say that the imagery itself neglects to analyse society or describe modern life. I believe that New Europe is one of the most important photobooks of the last five years. It is the best book that Graham has made to date, his most difficult and his most lyrical. It also might be a flagship for the New European photography, marking a moment when Paul Graham moved from being a parochial British photographer to a truly international one.“ (Gerry Badger)
Pages: 111
Place: Winterthur / Manchester
Year: 1993
Publisher: Fotomuseum Winterthur / Cornerhouse Publications
Size: 23 x 31 cm (approx.)
Included in "The Photobook: A History Volume II" by Parr/Badger
>> see more Vol. II picks here
Paul Graham - New Europe (Front)
Paul Graham - New Europe (Spine)
Paul Graham - New Europe (Back)
Sample page 1 for book " Paul Graham – New Europe",
Sample page 2 for book " Paul Graham – New Europe",
Sample page 3 for book " Paul Graham – New Europe",
Sample page 4 for book " Paul Graham – New Europe",
Sample page 5 for book " Paul Graham – New Europe",
Sample page 6 for book " Paul Graham – New Europe",
Sample page 7 for book " Paul Graham – New Europe",
Sample page 8 for book " Paul Graham – New Europe",
Sample page 9 for book " Paul Graham – New Europe",
Sample page 10 for book " Paul Graham – New Europe",
Sample page 11 for book " Paul Graham – New Europe",
Sample page 12 for book " Paul Graham – New Europe",
Sample page 13 for book " Paul Graham – New Europe",
Sample page 14 for book " Paul Graham – New Europe",
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Softcover, German and English text by Urs Stahel, design by Trix Wetter (Zürich), edition of 3000 copies.
„Published on the occasion of the opening exhibition of the Fotomoseum Winterthur, 30th January-21st March 1993“.
„New Europe is a fascinating example of how far the ‘new document’ has progressed to the beginning of the 1990s. For this kind of work – analytical, metaphorical, personal – the term ‘documentary’ itself would seem redundant, although that is not to say that the imagery itself neglects to analyse society or describe modern life. I believe that New Europe is one of the most important photobooks of the last five years. It is the best book that Graham has made to date, his most difficult and his most lyrical. It also might be a flagship for the New European photography, marking a moment when Paul Graham moved from being a parochial British photographer to a truly international one.“ (Gerry Badger)
Pages: 111
Place: Winterthur / Manchester
Year: 1993
Publisher: Fotomuseum Winterthur / Cornerhouse Publications
Size: 23 x 31 cm (approx.)
Included in "The Photobook: A History Volume II" by Parr/Badger
>> see more Vol. II picks here