Baptiste Lignel - David Goldblatt (Front)
Baptiste Lignel - David Goldblatt (Spine)
Baptiste Lignel - David Goldblatt (Back)
Sample page 1 for book " Baptiste Lignel – David Goldblatt",
Sample page 2 for book " Baptiste Lignel – David Goldblatt",
Sample page 3 for book " Baptiste Lignel – David Goldblatt",
Softcover, first printing of 300 copies.
In this first issue of the collection David Goldblatt, one of South Africa’s master photographers, goes over his carreer, his country, his productions, and his books, in a conversation with Baptiste Lignel. From the early days as an editorial photographer for local magazines in the 50s to his international reconnaissance as a major author and analyst of the complexities of his home country.
An in-depth exploration of his work with an insight into his own defining references.
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Pages: 176
Place: Paris
Year: 2014
Publisher: Photographers’ References
Size: 11 x 20 cm (approx.)