josef chladek

on photobooks and books

Erik Viklund - Om han var (If he was), Lihalaidun, 2018, Stockholm, Sweden


Softcover, handbound by Erik Viklund, edition of 500 copies. Design by Heikki Kaski.

Om han var constists of portraits of some of the young men Erik Viklund met on the streets during his daily walks between 2015 and 2017. He printed the portraits on found paper he collected from the same streets and walls and billboards. It is a book rich in expression and humble in its confrontation with ideas of masculinity and intimacy. It is a personal encounter with the urban mess and charm, beatifully handbound be Erik Viklund himself, as he tie these strange young men together.

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Pages: 152
Place: Stockholm, Sweden
Year: 2018
Publisher: Lihalaidun
Size: 20 x 29 cm (approx.)

Erik Viklund - Om han var (If he was) (Front)

Erik Viklund - Om han var (If he was) (Front)

Erik Viklund - Om han var (If he was) (Spine)

Erik Viklund - Om han var (If he was) (Spine)

Erik Viklund - Om han var (If he was) (Back)

Erik Viklund - Om han var (If he was) (Back)

Sample page 1 for book Erik Viklund – Om han var (If he was)

Sample page 1 for book "Erik Viklund – Om han var (If he was)",

Sample page 2 for book Erik Viklund – Om han var (If he was)

Sample page 2 for book "Erik Viklund – Om han var (If he was)",

Sample page 3 for book Erik Viklund – Om han var (If he was)

Sample page 3 for book "Erik Viklund – Om han var (If he was)",

Sample page 4 for book Erik Viklund – Om han var (If he was)

Sample page 4 for book "Erik Viklund – Om han var (If he was)",

Sample page 5 for book Erik Viklund – Om han var (If he was)

Sample page 5 for book "Erik Viklund – Om han var (If he was)",

Sample page 6 for book Erik Viklund – Om han var (If he was)

Sample page 6 for book "Erik Viklund – Om han var (If he was)",

Sample page 7 for book Erik Viklund – Om han var (If he was)

Sample page 7 for book "Erik Viklund – Om han var (If he was)",

Sample page 8 for book Erik Viklund – Om han var (If he was)

Sample page 8 for book "Erik Viklund – Om han var (If he was)",

Sample page 9 for book Erik Viklund – Om han var (If he was)

Sample page 9 for book "Erik Viklund – Om han var (If he was)",

Sample page 10 for book Erik Viklund – Om han var (If he was)

Sample page 10 for book "Erik Viklund – Om han var (If he was)",

Sample page 11 for book Erik Viklund – Om han var (If he was)

Sample page 11 for book "Erik Viklund – Om han var (If he was)",

Sample page 12 for book Erik Viklund – Om han var (If he was)

Sample page 12 for book "Erik Viklund – Om han var (If he was)",

Sample page 13 for book Erik Viklund – Om han var (If he was)

Sample page 13 for book "Erik Viklund – Om han var (If he was)",

Sample page 14 for book Erik Viklund – Om han var (If he was)

Sample page 14 for book "Erik Viklund – Om han var (If he was)",

Sample page 15 for book Erik Viklund – Om han var (If he was)

Sample page 15 for book "Erik Viklund – Om han var (If he was)",

Sample page 16 for book Erik Viklund – Om han var (If he was)

Sample page 16 for book "Erik Viklund – Om han var (If he was)",

Sample page 17 for book Erik Viklund – Om han var (If he was)

Sample page 17 for book "Erik Viklund – Om han var (If he was)",

Sample page 18 for book Erik Viklund – Om han var (If he was)

Sample page 18 for book "Erik Viklund – Om han var (If he was)",

Sample page 19 for book Erik Viklund – Om han var (If he was)

Sample page 19 for book "Erik Viklund – Om han var (If he was)",

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Softcover, handbound by Erik Viklund, edition of 500 copies. Design by Heikki Kaski.

Om han var constists of portraits of some of the young men Erik Viklund met on the streets during his daily walks between 2015 and 2017. He printed the portraits on found paper he collected from the same streets and walls and billboards. It is a book rich in expression and humble in its confrontation with ideas of masculinity and intimacy. It is a personal encounter with the urban mess and charm, beatifully handbound be Erik Viklund himself, as he tie these strange young men together.

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Pages: 152
Place: Stockholm, Sweden
Year: 2018
Publisher: Lihalaidun
Size: 20 x 29 cm (approx.)