Koji Ishii - „The flowers of 5 fingers“ in town are in bloom, Self published, ?, ?
Koji Ishii - „The flowers of 5 fingers“ in town are in b...
Koji Ishii - „The flowers of 5 fingers“ in town are in b...
Koji Ishii - „The flowers of 5 fingers“ in town are in b...
Sample page 1 for book " Koji Ishii – „The flowers of 5 fingers“ in town are in bloom", josefchladek.com
Sample page 2 for book " Koji Ishii – „The flowers of 5 fingers“ in town are in bloom", josefchladek.com
Sample page 3 for book " Koji Ishii – „The flowers of 5 fingers“ in town are in bloom", josefchladek.com
Sample page 4 for book " Koji Ishii – „The flowers of 5 fingers“ in town are in bloom", josefchladek.com
Sample page 5 for book " Koji Ishii – „The flowers of 5 fingers“ in town are in bloom", josefchladek.com
Sample page 6 for book " Koji Ishii – „The flowers of 5 fingers“ in town are in bloom", josefchladek.com
Sample page 7 for book " Koji Ishii – „The flowers of 5 fingers“ in town are in bloom", josefchladek.com
Sample page 8 for book " Koji Ishii – „The flowers of 5 fingers“ in town are in bloom", josefchladek.com
Participatin in in)(between. ShaShin Book Award, an award open to all Japanese photographers and photographers residing in Japan. More information in English and Japanese See all entries
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Softcover. http://katateblog.cocolog-nifty.com/
Pages: 32
Place: ?
Year: ?
Publisher: Self published
Size: 21 x 30 cm (approx.)