josef chladek

on photobooks and books

Ken Schles - Invisible City, Steidl, 2014, Göttingen


Hardcover, cloth bound with dustjacket. With text excerpts from Lewis Mumford, George Orwell, Jorge Luis Borges, Franz Kafka and Jean Baudrillard.  

„For a decade, Ken Schles watched the passing of time from his Lower East Side neighbourhood. His camera fixed the instances of his observations, and these moments became the foundation of his invisible city. Friends and architecture come under the scrutiny of his lens and, when sorted and viewed in the pages of this book, a remarkable achievement of personal vision emerges.
Twenty-five years later, Invisible City still has the ability to transfix the viewer. A penetrating and intimate portrayal of a world few had entrance to – or means of egress from –, Invisible City stands alongside Brassai’s Paris de Nuit and van der Elsken’s Love On The Left Bank as one of the 20th century’s great depictions of nocturnal bohemian experience. Documenting his life in New York City’s East Village during its heyday in the tumultuous 1980s, Schles captured its look and attitude in delirious and dark verité. Long out of print, this “missing link” in the history of the photographic book is now once again made available. Using scans from the original negatives and Steidl’s five plate technique to bring out nuance and detail never seen before in print, this masterful edition transcends the original, bringing this underground cult classic into the 21st century for a new generation to discover.“

Order at Steidl.

Pages: 80
Place: Göttingen
Year: 2014
Publisher: Steidl
Size: 17 x 23 cm (approx.)

Included in "The Photobook: A History Volume III" by Parr/Badger
>> see more Vol. III picks here

 Ken Schles - Invisible City (Front)

Ken Schles - Invisible City (Front)

 Ken Schles - Invisible City (Spine)

Ken Schles - Invisible City (Spine)

 Ken Schles - Invisible City (Back)

Ken Schles - Invisible City (Back)

Sample page 1 for book  Ken Schles – Invisible City

Sample page 1 for book " Ken Schles – Invisible City",

Sample page 2 for book  Ken Schles – Invisible City

Sample page 2 for book " Ken Schles – Invisible City",

Sample page 3 for book  Ken Schles – Invisible City

Sample page 3 for book " Ken Schles – Invisible City",

Sample page 4 for book  Ken Schles – Invisible City

Sample page 4 for book " Ken Schles – Invisible City",

Sample page 5 for book  Ken Schles – Invisible City

Sample page 5 for book " Ken Schles – Invisible City",

Sample page 6 for book  Ken Schles – Invisible City

Sample page 6 for book " Ken Schles – Invisible City",

Sample page 7 for book  Ken Schles – Invisible City

Sample page 7 for book " Ken Schles – Invisible City",

Sample page 8 for book  Ken Schles – Invisible City

Sample page 8 for book " Ken Schles – Invisible City",

Sample page 9 for book  Ken Schles – Invisible City

Sample page 9 for book " Ken Schles – Invisible City",

Sample page 10 for book  Ken Schles – Invisible City

Sample page 10 for book " Ken Schles – Invisible City",

Sample page 11 for book  Ken Schles – Invisible City

Sample page 11 for book " Ken Schles – Invisible City",

Sample page 12 for book  Ken Schles – Invisible City

Sample page 12 for book " Ken Schles – Invisible City",

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Hardcover, cloth bound with dustjacket. With text excerpts from Lewis Mumford, George Orwell, Jorge Luis Borges, Franz Kafka and Jean Baudrillard.  

„For a decade, Ken Schles watched the passing of time from his Lower East Side neighbourhood. His camera fixed the instances of his observations, and these moments became the foundation of his invisible city. Friends and architecture come under the scrutiny of his lens and, when sorted and viewed in the pages of this book, a remarkable achievement of personal vision emerges.
Twenty-five years later, Invisible City still has the ability to transfix the viewer. A penetrating and intimate portrayal of a world few had entrance to – or means of egress from –, Invisible City stands alongside Brassai’s Paris de Nuit and van der Elsken’s Love On The Left Bank as one of the 20th century’s great depictions of nocturnal bohemian experience. Documenting his life in New York City’s East Village during its heyday in the tumultuous 1980s, Schles captured its look and attitude in delirious and dark verité. Long out of print, this “missing link” in the history of the photographic book is now once again made available. Using scans from the original negatives and Steidl’s five plate technique to bring out nuance and detail never seen before in print, this masterful edition transcends the original, bringing this underground cult classic into the 21st century for a new generation to discover.“

Order at Steidl.

Pages: 80
Place: Göttingen
Year: 2014
Publisher: Steidl
Size: 17 x 23 cm (approx.)

Included in "The Photobook: A History Volume III" by Parr/Badger
>> see more Vol. III picks here