Nich Kunz - Gift Horse (Front)
Nich Kunz - Gift Horse (Spine)
Nich Kunz - Gift Horse (Back)
Sample page 1 for book " Nich Kunz – Gift Horse",
Sample page 2 for book " Nich Kunz – Gift Horse",
Sample page 3 for book " Nich Kunz – Gift Horse",
Sample page 4 for book " Nich Kunz – Gift Horse",
Sample page 5 for book " Nich Kunz – Gift Horse",
Sample page 6 for book " Nich Kunz – Gift Horse",
Sample page 7 for book " Nich Kunz – Gift Horse",
Softcover, 25 numbered copies, 2 pages of text, 8 pages of silver gelatin prints, 6 pages of c-prints. 100% shot, darkroom printed (other than 2 text pages), hand-bound.
"IN early 2016, upon realizing I had no goals or even dreams, I
bought a three-month round trip ticket to Paris, France. Why? What
does Paris have that San Francisco doesn’t? No idea. I do remember
wanting to run away from
all of my unhealthy habits of comfort here at home. Seeing
as I was too stuck in my ways to change in my usual habitat,
I thought abandoning home, possessions, and source of income could
give me the environment I needed to metamorphose into my “ideal” self.
Certain habits did change; At home I would go to sleep by 10pm
instead of joining friends for adventures in the city at night. I
would also escape the world by holing myself up in the darkroom nearly
all waking hours. On the road I had neither keys to a bed or a
darkroom to create in which forced me to the streets, with people,
being social. It created in me a larger sense of community and
belonging than I was accustomed to. When the opportunity for solitude
and introspection while traveling arose I took it, gladly, which lead
me to accept I’m as much me on the Mediterranean Sea as I am on the 14
Here are photographs in chronological order from this trip during
which I learned some of the many different ways people can continue
on, day-by-day, here on Earth. I also learned that my way isn’t wrong,
just my rendition."
To order: Paypal $60 usd to Free shipping to anywhere.
Pages: 16
Place: San Francisco
Year: 2017
Publisher: Self published
Size: 20 x 25 cm (approx.)