Will Steacy - Down These Mean Streets (Front)
Will Steacy - Down These Mean Streets (Spine)
Will Steacy - Down These Mean Streets (Back)
Sample page 1 for book " Will Steacy – Down These Mean Streets", josefchladek.com
Sample page 2 for book " Will Steacy – Down These Mean Streets", josefchladek.com
Sample page 3 for book " Will Steacy – Down These Mean Streets", josefchladek.com
Sample page 4 for book " Will Steacy – Down These Mean Streets", josefchladek.com
Sample page 5 for book " Will Steacy – Down These Mean Streets", josefchladek.com
Sample page 6 for book " Will Steacy – Down These Mean Streets", josefchladek.com
Sample page 7 for book " Will Steacy – Down These Mean Streets", josefchladek.com
Sample page 8 for book " Will Steacy – Down These Mean Streets", josefchladek.com
Sample page 9 for book " Will Steacy – Down These Mean Streets", josefchladek.com
Down These Mean Streets examines fear and the abandonment of America’s inner cities. Photographing only at night with a large format view camera, I work in a set routine by walking between the airport and central business district of each city I photograph. America has turned its back on cities as years of neglect have left our cities with limited resources to repair themselves and neighborhoods to crumble with no local economy, a public education system that barely meets requirements, a low income housing nightmare, as violence and drugs reign making survival a number one priority. America is at a crossroads as we struggle to escape the wrath of The Great Recession, laying off teachers and firefighters at an alarming rate in order to balance city budgets, still at war and searching for our place in a changing global economy. By addressing the loss and despair that prevail in our urban communities my aim is to reveal a modern portrait of the American inner city as problems and issues cannot be solved if they are not first identified. We must look inward at ourselves. (Will Steacy about the project)
Hardcover, edition of 400 copies.
Pages: 112
Place: Zürich
Year: 2012
Publisher: b.frank books
Size: 24 x 31 cm (approx.)