Hugo Treo Atom
Hugo Treo Atom
Hugo Treo Atom
Sample page 1 for book "Hugo Treo – Atom",
Sample page 2 for book "Hugo Treo – Atom",
Sample page 3 for book "Hugo Treo – Atom",
Sample page 4 for book "Hugo Treo – Atom",
Sample page 5 for book "Hugo Treo – Atom",
Sample page 6 for book "Hugo Treo – Atom",
Sample page 7 for book "Hugo Treo – Atom",
Sample page 8 for book "Hugo Treo – Atom",
Sample page 9 for book "Hugo Treo – Atom",
Sample page 10 for book "Hugo Treo – Atom",
Softcover. Published by the Austrian League for the United Nations, responsible publisher Hugo Treo.
This 1955 publication is an attempt to whitewash and rebrand the image of the atom, a decade after the bombs which obliterated the cities and people of Nagasaki & Hiroshima.
The first double-page shows Austrian governor Julius Raab with a foreword explaining the necessity of being informed about The Atom. On the right page there is a portrait of US President Dwight Eisenhower, with the ironic declaration: “Mein Land will aufbauen und nicht zerstören. Es will mit anderen Nationen Vereinbarungen treffen und keine Kriege führen.” (“My country wants to be constructive, not destructive. It wants agreement, not wars, among nations.” From Eisenhower’s ‘Atoms for Peace’ speech to the UN General Assembly in New York on December 8th, 1953). (
Pages: 32
Place: Wien
Year: 1955
Publisher: Österreichische Liga für die Vereinten Nationen
Size: 20 x 25 cm (approx.)