Thilde Jensen - The Canaries, LENA publications, 2013, Esbjerg
In 2003 a sudden development of severe Environmental Illness forced Thilde Jensen to leave her life in New York City. The ensuing years were a lesson in basic survival.
Retreating to the woods for sanctuary, Jensen would have to wear a respirator whenever she returned to civilization. To her surprise, an otherwise invisible subculture of people who shared this isolated existence began to emerge.
She later travelled the desert of the American Southwest, where many with Environmental Illness live as refugees from a chemical and electrical world they can no longer inhabit.
The Canaries is an intimate journey through a hypersensitive dimension of reality, where old cars, aluminum foil, masks and home-made phones become key necessities for survival. The book is an authentic photographic documentation of life on the edge of modern civilization, but reads almost as fiction set in the borderland between dream and nightmare.(from Thilde Jensen's site)
Hardbound, 71 images and 4 inserts, edition of 1,500, book came hand-wrapped in aluminum foil with handwritten label.
As of writing book available at Thilde Jensen's site.
Pages: 156
Place: Esbjerg
Year: 2013
Publisher: LENA publications
Size: 30 x 27 cm (approx.)
Thilde Jensen - The Canaries (hand-wrapped in aluminum f...
Thilde Jensen - The Canaries (Front)
Thilde Jensen - The Canaries (Spine)
Thilde Jensen - The Canaries (Back)
Sample page 1 for book " Thilde Jensen – The Canaries",
Sample page 2 for book " Thilde Jensen – The Canaries",
Sample page 3 for book " Thilde Jensen – The Canaries",
Sample page 4 for book " Thilde Jensen – The Canaries",
Sample page 5 for book " Thilde Jensen – The Canaries",
Sample page 6 for book " Thilde Jensen – The Canaries",
Sample page 7 for book " Thilde Jensen – The Canaries",
Sample page 8 for book " Thilde Jensen – The Canaries",
Sample page 9 for book " Thilde Jensen – The Canaries",
Sample page 10 for book " Thilde Jensen – The Canaries",
Sample page 11 for book " Thilde Jensen – The Canaries",
Sample page 12 for book " Thilde Jensen – The Canaries",
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In 2003 a sudden development of severe Environmental Illness forced Thilde Jensen to leave her life in New York City. The ensuing years were a lesson in basic survival.
Retreating to the woods for sanctuary, Jensen would have to wear a respirator whenever she returned to civilization. To her surprise, an otherwise invisible subculture of people who shared this isolated existence began to emerge.
She later travelled the desert of the American Southwest, where many with Environmental Illness live as refugees from a chemical and electrical world they can no longer inhabit.
The Canaries is an intimate journey through a hypersensitive dimension of reality, where old cars, aluminum foil, masks and home-made phones become key necessities for survival. The book is an authentic photographic documentation of life on the edge of modern civilization, but reads almost as fiction set in the borderland between dream and nightmare.(from Thilde Jensen's site)
Hardbound, 71 images and 4 inserts, edition of 1,500, book came hand-wrapped in aluminum foil with handwritten label.
As of writing book available at Thilde Jensen's site.
Pages: 156
Place: Esbjerg
Year: 2013
Publisher: LENA publications
Size: 30 x 27 cm (approx.)